Captions to avoid and what to use instead

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Sharing is Caring!

You have your preferred beverage, plenty of photos and you’re ready to sit down to create some content and schedule posts. Except… you have multiple photos that are practically identical and you don’t know what all is relevant to share with your audience.

Captions are important because they say something about you, your company, the picture itself or what you’re up to. There are so many ways to reach your audience and the most important way is authentically. That’s right. Stay away from the sales pitch.

Always be caring

The motivational phrase, “Always be closing,” still holds true, but users are constantly being bombarded with ads with each swipe of their screen. The last thing they want to see when scrolling through their feed is their favorite brand or small business pushing them to buy. Be mindful of your consumers. People active on most social media platforms are focused on socializing and aren’t prepared to make a purchase.


Create a call to action

A call to action doesn’t always have to be an apparent sales pitch. It can be as simple as asking your audience to leave a comment or share a photo. Determine what you want your prospects to do (encourage them to engage further), create a great hook (answer the question, “What’s in it for me?”) and motivate them to act. Maybe that leads to a sale, or maybe it encourages them to interact with your brand.


Still feeling stuck? Check out Amanda’s Freebie: 15 Social Media Prompts for April for a list of post inspiration you can try on your social media channels.


About the Author:
Katey Crean is a Social Media Specialist at Hello Social Co. When not organizing content, she can be found teaching kiddos musical theater.

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