7 resources you’ll love in the Focus on Local Network right now

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Feeling a little stuck when it comes to figuring out how to get the most out of your social media presence? The Focus on Local Network is chock full of resources to help you get the most out of your social media presence.

1. For a quick overview, or a great refresher, check out our Social Media Best Practices Guide! Plus – our guide is hosted on Notion so the guide will update automatically as we make updates as each social media platform discussed evolves. Algorithms am I right?

2. Implement the Focus on Local approach within your own marketing! Not sure how? Learn how to use it to connect more with your audience and community.

3. Get organized by breaking down your content into easily manageable content buckets! Learn more about the benefit of using buckets when it comes to planning your content.

4. You don’t need fancy equipment to take professional-looking photos for your feed. Follow our 5 iPhone Photography Tips for super smartphone photos.

5. Websites sometimes get ignored when we discuss social media but many times our social media calls to action direct people to them. Make sure yours is optimized with our Website Audit Guide.

6. Does coming up with a social media strategy sound like an impossible task to start? Our Stress-Free Guide to Using Social Media to Grow Your Brand makes it easy.

7. Ready to do a deep dive into social media? Our comprehensive Social Media Basics Course will teach you everything you need to know about how to put your social media to work for you.

Ready to get started? Become a member here.